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Beneath the Surface

Deepening community through self expression

Welcome to Beneath the Surface, a platform for sharing water wisdom, art, and other stories. We invite anyone who feels called to share their musings related to ocean-going. Regular posts are spearheaded by Lindsey Geier. All posts are moderated by Women in the Water, please treat others with respect.

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Micah Malloy
Micah Malloy

High Tide


I am underwater.  

Do you know the feeling?

Like trying to run in a dream.

I hear the mermaids singing,

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Ever had a conversation shift your perspective & change the trajectory of your life? In 2021 & during the pandemic, my life was in upheaval. I was terrified of what the future held. No matter how I tried, it felt as if all forces were against me, pulling me to bottom in free fall. As hard as it was to admit, one day I confided every detail in confidence to a friend as we sat on surfboards in the deep blue waters of Mexico. He listened intently putting himself in my shoes & with the most open of hearts & a long pause shared his perspective.

“I’m not scared of anything … because I can fish”.

His words hit me so deeply, they not only grew to be an anchor of sanity for me, but also changed the trajectory of my life. You see, when you can fish, you ca…

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Ever had a conversation shift your perspective & change the trajectory of your life? In 2021 & during the pandemic, my life was in upheaval. I was terrified of what the future held. No matter how I tried, it felt as if all forces were against me, pulling me to bottom in free fall. As hard as it was to admit, one day I confided every detail in confidence to a friend as we sat on surfboards in the deep blue waters of Mexico. He listened intently putting himself in my shoes & with the most open of hearts & a long pause shared his perspective.

“I’m not scared of anything … because I can fish”.

His words hit me so deeply, they not only grew to be an anchor of sanity for me, but also changed the trajectory of my life. You see, when you can fish, you ca…

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Lindsey Geier
Lindsey Geier

A Woman is an Ocean

She ebbs and flows, filling the spaces in between. She has her Highs and has her Low.

She manages to touch the depths, the Soul and shallow.

Her mood is affected by the wind and the Moon.

She can be calm, she can be grand,

she can make you swoon.

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Lindsey Geier
Lindsey Geier

The Young and the Youthful

Two different words, not always one in the same. 

One is determined by age, and one can be attained by the state of play.

To be young is to have little experience in life and comes with a visual component.

To be youthful has no mark of years lived or no demand of a certain appearance.

Although these two share differences, they also share a commonplace.

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Welcome to our group Beneath the Surface! A space for us to connect and share with each other.

This page will showcase creative writing pieces by Lindsey Geier or those who want to share their own writing and art. Lindsey also connects her writing through the thread of Water (and Nature) to her life experiences. Lindsey creatively writes from emotion and uses it as a cathartic tool. She hopes it will inspire you in some way by relating, understanding, or feeling. We may also ask to share artwork and writing from Beneath the Surface on our Instagram with owners permission.

We hope you feel called to share!


Arielle on behalf of the WITW Team

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